Which of these sounds most like you?

    • “I’ve always been a try-hard, grit your teeth, push on through, and ‘just do it’ kinda gal.”
    • “I feel like I’m the only one trying to keep the peace between everyone in my family.”
    • “I thought that being “a good Christian woman” meant people-pleasing — All. The. Time.”
    • “I’ve experienced more than my “fair share” of challenges and losses.”

Four different women with one thing in common: Each was struggling with forgiving something seemingly small. None realized that unforgiveness was keeping her stuck.

If this resonates with you and you’d like to learn about forgiveness coaching, you can reach me right here.

Rhonda is the kindest and most grace-filled advisor I know. She understands how trauma can affect a person’s life … and, more importantly, how help and healing are available and accessible to all of us.”

~ Coaching client